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Running Down the 3 Most Common Myths About Metal Braces

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowbendbraces @ 9:54 am
Smiling person with braces

Just about everyone knows someone who has had braces at a certain point in their life, which means that most people have heard some things about how they work. However, many of the things you’ll hear aren’t quite true—some of them are outdated, and others were never based in fact in the first place.

If the time has come for you to get braces, you might be suffering from some misapprehensions about how the treatment is going to work. To clear the air, here are some common myths about braces that shouldn’t influence your decision to get them.

Myth 1: Braces Make it Dangerous to Play Sports

Getting hit in the mouth is never a pleasant prospect, but it’s a risk that athletes are acutely aware of, and a fear that the prospect of getting braces may exacerbate. It’s true that getting braces means that there’s a lot more metal in your mouth than there used to be and that sports could potentially cause you to snap a wire if you get in an accident.

However, these risks are nullified by a decent sportsguard. If you want to protect your teeth, mouth, and oral appliance, you may want to talk to your orthodontist about the prospect of getting a new sports guard alongside your new braces.

Myth 2: Braces Are Constantly Painful

Any orthodontist will tell you that there’s going to be a little bit of discomfort when you first get your braces. Your teeth aren’t used to moving, and the ligaments that connect them to the jaw are going to have to stretch.

That said, this should be temporary. You should really only have to deal with discomfort for the first week or so—after that point, your teeth should have adapted to moving and your mouth will be used to the brackets.

Myth 3: Braces Take Years to Work

There are some circumstances where you may have to wear your braces over the course of 2 or 3 years, but these are certainly not the norm. It’s typical to need braces for around 18 months.

If you want things to go as smoothly and quickly as possible, you should follow all of your orthodontist’s instructions closely for the duration of the treatment.

About Our Practice

At Willow Bend Orthodontics of Plano, we believe that everyone deserves to be proud of their smile, and we know that having seriously misaligned teeth can make that difficult. Thankfully, we take the time to tailor our orthodontic treatments to their unique needs, and we ensure that no matter what issue you’re dealing with, you can leave our office with an absolutely stellar smile!

If you have any questions about metal braces, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (972) 732-1400.

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